Psych Blog

This is a blog to talk about human behavior. Why we do what we do and what we can think about to change our behavior.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


On this blog, you can ask questions about human behavior, relationships, understanding why we do what we do........and anything else you are curious about.

Some questions will be answered privately and not posted to the blog. Others will be posted to the blog because they are of general interest and may be useful to other readers. If you want a confidential answer, you will need to tell me that and I will honor your request. For confidential questions, you must identify yourself.

Happy blogging!

Your School Psychologist, Eileen Heden

Monday, February 23, 2009

Psychology is the study of.....

human behavior....Yours, mine, your friends, my friends.....Why do we do what we do?

Sometimes we act without thinking and wish we could undo our behavior. What do we do if we want to make amends?

How do we put our best foot forward and still be true to ourselves?

Sometimes it helps to talk with someone.

This blog is for that purpose.